domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Mis lecturas favoritas

Hemos visto que a muchos os interesa no solo leer libros, sino presentar su resumen por escrito. De hecho uno de los pasillos del Centro contenía un cartel con todas vuestras fichas resumen. Desde la Biblioteca se os invita a incluir el resumen de lo leído aquí, en el Lecturarci blogspot. De este modo muchos otros compañeros se animarán a leerlos. Participad. Os estamos esperando.

5 comentarios:

  1. The ghost of Featherstone Castle, Espeth Rowstron

    Fifteen-year old Robbie Summer meets Heather on an adventure holiday in Featherstone Castle and they soon become friends.But then strange things start to happen at the castle.A ghosty figure appears to Heather at night with a waring be careful! There is danger in the water !
    Who is the ghost ?What is her connection to the castle? And what danger is waiting for Heather in the water? Robbie have on exciting adventure together as they try disaver more about the ghost of Featherstone Castle.

    Elaborado por Roberto Selea

  2. Título: Drácula
    Autor: Bram Stoker
    Editorial, lugar y fecha de edición: Mac Milán Publisher 2002, 2005.

    Reseña : I looked up at the high castle walls . There were lights in any of the windows. I heard the peat wooden door being unlocked. It opered slowly. A very old man with white hair was stand imp there.
    Welcome to my home he said. Enter castle Dracula Mr Harker as stopped in side, count Dracula took hold of my arm. He was terribly stromp and his hand was as cold as ice.

    Otman Chentouf

  3. Título : the wind in the willows

    Autor : Kenneth Grahame

    Editorial, Lugar y fecha de edición: Oxford, Bookworms

    Reseña: Down by the river bank where the wind whispers through the willow trees, is a very pleasant place to have a lunch party with a few friends. But life is not always so peaceful for the mole and the water rot. There is the time, for example, went toad gets interested in motor – cars – goes mad about them in fact……
    The story of the adventures of mole , rat , and toad has been loved by young and old for almost a hindered years .

    By Maher Mohamed Hamed

  4. Título: Kilmarny Island.

    Autor: Julie Hart.

    Editorial, lugar y fecha de edición: Burlington/2009.

    RESEÑA: Brian Parker and his family visit an eccentric aunt in Ireland. They stay on a small island, in a house, without electricity, and soon discover how different life is there. Why is the king of Killorglin a goat? Who is the strange little man in green and why do the islanders not like tourists? Fin out the answers to these questions and more.

    Ehsan Herradi Laglil, 4ºB.

  5. Titulo: The long tunnel

    Autor: john Milne

    Editorial, lugar y fecha de edicion:beginner, 22 bedford square, London. 1980

    Reseña: Frank and Hismen were in the tunnel, the train slomed donw and stupped. Frank quickly climbed up the opened the lock on the door of the guard's van. He them down the bags of money "Move quickly" he said to this man "We haven't much time".

    Raquel Blázquez, 4º B
